Sunday, April 25, 2010

Developments in the Fields of Science and Technology during the Golden Age

Developments in the Fields of Science and Technology during the Golden Age

As revealed in verses of the Qur’an, in the times of The Prophet Sulayman (as) and Dhu’l-Qarnayn there were great advances in science and technology, advances that were quite unfamiliar for the time. For example, The Prophet Sulayman (as)’s use of molten copper (Surah Saba 12), the floor of the palace being made out of transparent glass (Surat Al-Naml 44), or Dhu’l-Qarnayn making use of a different technology to construct a wall between two mountains in order to prevent the strife of Yajuj and Majuj (Surat Al-Kahf, 96) are just a few instances of the advanced technology employed in these two periods.

When we examine those hadiths that describe the Golden Age we encounter a very similar situation.

There will be major advances in the fields of science, technology, communications and medicine in the Golden Age. Each new development will be placed at the service of all mankind and the lives of people all over the world will thus be improved. One of the signs in the hadiths on this subject is:

The end of a man's whip will speak to him.(Tirmidhi)

It is very likely that this hadith is referring to the mobile telephone, the most widespread means of communication in the present day. (Allah knows the truth.)

Another important sign in the hadiths regarding technological progress is:

People will reap 700 measures of wheat for every one they sow ... People will throw down a few handfuls of seeds and reap 700 handfuls ... Although much rain will fall, none will be wasted. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 24)

This hadith may be referring to modern agriculture, carried out by machines that are the products of technology. As we know, it used to be a very difficult process to sow the fields and gather in the harvest. However, advances in technology have also led to enormous progress in agriculture, and the production of new machinery has made life easier in terms of both sowing and harvesting. In addition, seed improvement has led to great advances in production. As technology advances, brand new techniques are being developed and productivity is increasing.

By Allah’s will, there will also be considerable advances in the time of the Mahdi, and the lives of people engaged in agriculture will thus be very much easier.

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